Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Winter Twirling Team at Jefferson!

Winter Twirl Team at Jefferson performs at half time of the 8th grade home basketball games!

If you are new to our teams at Jefferson-  No worries, we start practice January 12th with all the basics!

If you are a returning member to Twirl Team, practice starts January 17th.

Everything is included-  shoes, uniform, props, hair accessory even pictures!

There will be a t shirt provided, which is school approved, to wear on the days of performances!

There will be 6 performances (3 for each song we learn- yes we are learning 2 routines)

The dates for the performances are:
Jan 26th
Jan 30th
Feb 8th
Feb 15th
Feb 23rd
Mar 1st

See the attached flyer and remember if you have any questions- let us know!!
Sign up on the right of our Blog!  Click on Winter Twirling Team at Jefferson  Click on the link and fill out the registration form!
Thank you so much for supporting our program and I can't wait for the winter season!!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Twirl Camp is over ...but it is just the beginning for Full Circle!

Parade pictures will be coming this week- they are so adorable we can hardly stand it! Thank you again for all who participated, helped, and cheered the girls on! It was once again, an award winning day for Full Circle and we couldn't do it without you!

Fall is around the corner and we have had several questions on other twirling activities we offer- We run a Twirling Team at Jefferson Middle school during the Football season. It is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. 

Then at Wilson this fall we will also be holding specialty boutique workshops focusing the arts. Stay tuned for those as well!

Thank you again for all of your support! We love working with your kids and giving them an opportunity to shine!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Twirl Camp Registration opens April 1st!!! No Foolin'

We sold out of space in our Super Summer twirling camp last year!  We are opening registration sooner this year, and expect to sell out again!!!  Stay tuned for all the details of cost, dates etc and the SPECIAL REGISTRATION ON LINE LINK just for twirling camp!!!

The registration includes their t-shirts for the parade (on the 4th of July!) and their incredibly adorable Twirl Bow!  (theirs to keep!)  Can you stand it?

Stay tuned and please share with your friends to keep them up to date, and make sure they don't miss out this year!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2015

New Classes at Wilson Elementary!

These classes are going to be a blast! 
I can't wait to share all kinds of information about the solar system, planets, moon and stars with Kindergarteners and 1st Graders! We will be making a solar system book, creating a 'human solar system', making the phases of the moon out of Oreos and even creating constellations with marshmallows! Students from other Caldwell Schools are welcome and will just need to be brought to Wilson and picked up from Wilson afterwards. The classes compliment each other so consider signing up for both! Please call Melanie with any questions!

Winter Twirl Camp Open NOW!!!

Possibility of second performance!!  So excited!!  Remember, registration fee includes emailed photos, all props, and costumes!  Space is still available and NO EXPERIENCE is required!